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Ms Martina Zarb, Speech and Language Pathologist

Martina Zarb graduated with B.SC (Hons) in Communication Therapy from the University of Malta. During her studies, Ms Zarb undertook placements with children with ASD and profound multiple learning disabilities and wrote her final dissertation on the communicative functions of echolalia in children with autism. She also received training in ‘’Lis ‘n Tell: Live Inclusive Storytelling’’ at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists in London in September 2017.

She now works within a multidisciplinary team at the Access to Communication and Technology Unity (ACTU) where she helps assist students with communication and learning disabilities using assistive technologies (AT) and alternative and augmentative communication (AAC).

Since joining TAASC, Ms Zarb contributes her skills within a multidisciplinary team to help assess speech and language difficulties and provides intervention in these areas with children on a one to one or in a group setting. She is also involved in the planning and delivering of Social Language Groups for a variety of students and different  age groups.


Ms Martina Asciak, Speech & Language Pathologist


Ms Christina Gauci, Speech & Language Pathologist